The Lucky Ones

Do we really wonder why?
Death happens to us all.
It comes in numbered shades.
It comes when you’re not looking.
It comes even when you stare it down.
Did we do something wrong?
Death comes everyday.
It happens in our homes.
It happens on our streets.
It happens at our schools.
Do we not realize what it takes?
Death bludgeons; is it a disease?
We stick to our concerns.
We turn away when they beg.
We look away when we see their pain.

Do you not realize what it takes to kill?
It takes courage.
It takes belief.
It takes hope.

They already feel that they have lost everything.
This is their last chance.
Of course it’s not fair.
We’re their lives fair?

Will we change anything?
The world keeps turning.
It’s the same world I was born in.
It’s the same world for thousands of years.
When will the world grow and become a better person?

It steals from us; we stole first.
It betrays us; we abandoned it.
It torments us; we bring no comfort.

It doesn’t take a lot to kill.
But what does it take to keep believing?
To bring faith into this world.

RIP young souls. May you consider yourselves lucky to be pardoned from earth’s responsibilities and judgements.